The Staffing Edge Inc.

전화번호: 905-454-1144
팩스: 905-459-4911
주소: 181 Queen St. East. Brampton Ontario.
우편번호: L6W 2B3
지도: 여기를 클릭하세요
411S.CA No. LK53266

Contract and Temporary staffing is big business. In the global economy businesses have to focus on what they do best and outsource the rest to stay competitive. It was not until Lou Duggan set up The Staffing Edge in 1995 that Canadian staffing companies could outsource their administrative functions and focus on what they do best: taking care of clients and recruiting employees. He understood because he had been in the industry since founding Armor Personnel in 1971. He knew exactly how much time and effort were needed to create and update applicant databases, handle payroll and government remittances, and he knew how difficult it was for smaller companies to get insurance.

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