William Osler Health Center

Incorporated in 1998, William Osler Health Centre has three acute care sites - the Etobicoke facility located in the northwest corner of Metropolitan Toronto, the Peel Memorial facility located in Brampton and the Georgetown facility located Georgetown.

William Osler Health Centre is one of the largest hospital corporations in Ontario, serving a geographic area of over 2400 square kilometres.

As a regional referral centre, we provide programs and services to over 900,000 area residents. Located in three growing and diverse communities: Etobicoke, Brampton and Georgetown, our services are accessed by those residing far beyond these geographic borders.

With a health care team of more than 700 physicians, 4,000 caring staff and 1,400 dedicated volunteers, we provide services through three hospital facilities although our patients will experience one standard of care.

"Sir William Osler was an ideal physician a master of the science and art of medicine, a lover of humanity, and totally devoted to healing as a sacred calling."

Michael Bliss, Historian and Author
웹사이트: www.williamoslerhc.on.ca
전화번호: 416-494-2120
다른번호: 905-494-2120
주소: 101 Humber College Blvd. Etobicoke, Ontario
우편번호: M9V 1R8
Main: (416) 494-2120
Patient Inquiry: (905) 494-2120 Dial "0" for switchboard

On-Site Offices:
Public Relations and Communications: (416) 747-3678
Office of the Patient Ombudsman: (416) 494-2120 Ext. 32474
Foundation: (416) 747-3388
Volunteer and Community Resources: (416) 494-2120 Ext. 33418
Health Information Inquiries (release of clinical records): (905) 494-2120 Ext. 32019
웹사이트: www.williamoslerhc.on.ca
전화번호: 905-494-2120
주소: 1 Princess Anne Dr. Georgetown, Ontario
우편번호: L7G 2B8
Main: (905) 494-2120
Patient Inquiry: (905) 494-2120 Dial "0" for switchboard

On-Site Offices:
Public Relations and Communications: (905) 873-4598
Office of the Patient Ombudsman: (905) 494-2120 Ext. 25635
Foundation: (905) 873-4599
Volunteer and Community Resources: (905) 494-2120 Ext. 47153
Health Information Inquiries (release of clinical records): (905) 494-2120 Ext. 47506
Peel Memorial
웹사이트: www.williamoslerhc.on.ca
전화번호: 416-494-2120
다른번호: 905-494-2120
주소: 20 Lynch St. Brampton, Ontario
우편번호: L6W 2Z8
Main: (416) 494-2120
Patient Inquiry: (905) 494-2120 Dial "0" for switchboard

On-Site Offices:
Public Relations and Communications: (905) 796-4277
Office of the Patient Ombudsman: (905) 494-2120 Ext. 25635
Foundation: (905) 796-4018
Volunteer and Community Resources: (905) 494-2120 Ext. 25180
Health Information Inquiries (release of clinical records): (905) 494-2120 Ext. 25238

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